Monday, August 9, 2010

"Century/Preserved Egg and Tofu" 皮蛋豆腐

It's summertime, and the weather has been incredibly hot!

One of my favorite dishes in summer is 皮蛋豆腐 (pidan tofu). I'm not sure what the exact word for 皮蛋 is in English, but it comes up as Century Egg on Wikipedia. This dish is very simple to make, and is very refreshing to eat on a hot day.

All you need is:
- 1 block of soft tofu

- ~ 2 or 3 century eggs (depends on the size or how much of it you want)
- salt

- sesame oil

- bonito flakes

All of these ingredients should be available at local grocery store or an Asian grocery store (for the bonito flakes, century/preserved eggs, tofu, and sesame oil).

First, I put the block of tofu into a bowl, and cut it up with a knife. Later, I switch to using chopsticks or a spoon to stir the tofu. My dad prefers to use a fork, which mixes the tofu and the rest of the ingredients really fine.

Second, I add in the eggs. I usually use an egg cutter to make it easier to mix evenly with the tofu.

Next, I add sesame oil, salt, and bonito flakes according to my tastes, and mix everything together again. You can experiment and see how much you need of each.

Then, you are done! It is ready to serve and to be eaten with rice!

Hope you enjoy this dish : )

1 comment:

  1. Mmmm this seems really easy to make! I'll pass it on to mommy, for sure :)
